Teaching materials of the Central American project "Inclusion of people with disabilities and older adults in DRR"
The Central American project "Inclusion of people with disabilities and older adults in disaster risk management in Central America" (2016-2019), with the financial support of the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany , has shares in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, and is being promoted by Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) of Germany, the Nicaraguan Association of People with Disabilities Association of Nicaragua (FECONORI), member of RIADIS (Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons with Disabilities and their Families), and the Association "Foundation for Community Cooperation and Development of El Salvador" (CORDES), member of HelpAge, together with its partners in the other Central American countries mentioned.
Sometimes, it is said that working with people with disabilities and older adults is difficult and requires experts. However, we have many "experts" in the organizations of people with disabilities and older adults in our countries and municipalities. In addition, the project wanted to answer the question of how to be more inclusive in the field of risk management and humanitarian action. And he has wanted to leave useful tools in Spanish so that the inclusion of these groups in disaster risk management is promoted from different areas.
Hence, within the framework of this project have generated various materials that can be used by different actors:
• Minimum standards (mainly for actors of risk management and humanitarian action). http://bit.ly/2BbY7KW
• Community guide (mainly for community promoters of risk management and for organizations of people with disabilities and older adults): http://bit.ly/2sg0d9I
• Presentations to put into practice in community guide trainings: http://bit.ly/2x9THii
• Primary book (for teachers): http://bit.ly/2BKZPUD
• Secondary Book (for teachers): http://bit.ly/2BLQ9Jm
• Tips for mainstreaming the inclusion of people with disabilities in DRR projects (for project technicians): http://bit.ly/2kWxqAf
• Video on inclusive evacuation: http://bit.ly/2yHwzx5
• Video on inclusive warning systems: http://bit.ly/2zrY78x
• Check list for inclusive risk management plans: http://bit.ly/2EY7lKF
• Main poster of the campaign "Inclusion saves lives": http://bit.ly/2CbqyW1
• Drawings with differences between inclusive temporary shelters and those that are not: http://bit.ly/2EXr6lk
• Project disclosure triptych: http://bit.ly/2vcujLv